Innovative Business Strategy | Webinar 

Business | Strategy | Innovation 

Free Webinar


5 Sept 2022, 03.00 pm to 5.00 pm IST

“Most rewarding innovations are invented during most suffocating hardships.”

This is the time when 90% of the businesses are facing severe decline, on their ROI charts, due to unforeseen socio-economic change that has critically obligated the buying behavior of consumers. COVID19 has not only impacted the lives of people but has completely disrupted the Global marketplace. This is a situation of Global crises and this is a serious challenge to the whole ecosystem of doing business.

The World is becoming ready to rebound with greater zeal, courage and hope. Are you ready to fly high again?

Skills Ahead Consultancy Services is inviting you for the innovative strategy business seminar, and it’s all free of cost.  If you are a business owner, CEO, Director, VP, HR, Manager,  Entrepreneur,  Employee, or Student who is thinking of strategy and innovation that can lift up your business or career to the next level then this seminar is a great opportunity for you.

Opening the Webinar

Opening the Webinar

Ice-breaking | 15 Minutes ; Industry-wide  impact and review of Global Crices: Presentation | 30 Minutes; Which are the most impacted and least impacted industries? Chaning market Sentiments! Changing consumer behaviour!    

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Business Challenges

Business Challenges

Common business Challenges and impacted ways of working. Presentation: 15 Minutes | Nature of business challenges. Reasons behind the Global pandemic. Who can survive? Who can thrive?  

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The strategic innovation

The strategic innovation

Strategic innovation to overcome Global Crises! Coporates, Banks and MSME. Presentation : 30 Minutes Fastest Adaptation of new Technology. Fastest Transformation of old business processes.                                                                                 Long term geopolitical opportunities.      

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Improving the economy curve of your business

Improving the economy curve of your business

How the economy curve can move up again for your business? Interactive Session: 30 Minutes | Ask your questions for answers on the spot. You may have many questions waiting for expert business solutions. This the session specifically designed for you. Tell about your business challenges, discuss, and find some useful strategic solutions.

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