Emplyability Skills for B.Tech final/pre-final year Students

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Employability Skills for B.tech Final/pre-final year Students

1.    Communication Skills
•    Verbal & Non-Verbal
•    Manage tone of language
•    Listening Skills & Writing Skills
•    Group Discussion
2.    Business Etiquette
•    Making the First Impression
•    Corporate environment Etiquette
•    Grooming and Personal Hygiene
•    Body Language
•    Telephone and email Etiquette
3.    Presentation Skills
•    Fundamentals of an Effective Presentation
•    5 P’s of an Effective Presentation
•    Importance of Visual Aids
•    Understanding and Overcoming Fear
•    Public Speaking
•    Importance of Managing Voice and Language
•    Managing Question and Answer Session
4.    Goal Setting
•    Establishing SMART Goals
•    Importance of Mission Statement
•    Formulation of Goals
•    Procrastination
•    Visualization of Goals
5.    Time Management
•    Prioritization
•    Dealing with Difficult Tasks
•    Getting Organized
•    How to get away from Distractions
•    Work-Life Balance
6.    Conflict Management
•    Creating a Win-Win situation
•    Negotiation and Persuasion
•    Dealing with Aggressive Behavior
•    Different Styles of Handling Conflicts
•    Dealing with Emotions
•    Conflict Resolution Strategies
•    Tools and Techniques for Conflict Management

7.    Building Confidence
•    Overcoming Nervousness
•    Deal with Conflicts Effectively
•    Developing Positive Attitude
•    Increase Public Speaking Skills
•    Reach your Personal and Professional Goals
•    Strengthening your Self-Esteem
•    Developing Social Skills

8.    Interpersonal and Team Skills
•    Initiating Small Talks
•    Establishing Trust
•    Managing Relationships
•    Acclimatize to Others
•    Understanding the Cultural Diversity
•    Team-building Process and Techniques
•    Coordination in Teams
•    Assertive Communication while Dealing with Teams
•    Balancing Team Needs and Individual Needs
•    Importance of Feedback in Team Building

9.    Building Aptitude for Written Exams
•    Numerical Reasoning
•    Verbal Reasoning
•    Diagrammatic Reasoning
•    Situational Judgment Test (SJT)
•    Assessment Centers


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Sunday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Emplyability Skills for B.Tech final/pre-final year Students